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The Spark to Success

“What’s wrong with being confident?”, cue the song Confident by Demi Lovato. I would argue that the answer to that question is “nothing”. However, I see so many women struggle to believe in themselves when it comes to moving up in the workplace. As women, we so often doubt ourselves to the point of talking ourselves out of doing something we really want. We should be proving to ourselves and the world that we are capable. You have to allow yourself to be granted the opportunity to prove yourself. Before you get to that point, you first need to define what success looks like.

Success is relative

A few years ago I completed my MBA in France. As the final semester began to conclude, I took an interview in Geneva that was entirely in French. I had taken the time to prepare responses to interview questions in French, translate my resume, think of intelligent questions to ask – you get the picture. At the end of the interview, I walked away thinking that I was the coolest person in the world. I was so proud of myself for answering every question in a foreign language that I felt like I could do anything in the world. Did I care if I received a job offer? Of course, but I knew in that moment that a rejection wouldn’t stop me from landing my dream job, because I was the coolest person in the world.

The point here is: Define what success looks like to you beforehand. Does success mean that you land the job or make the sale? Or does it simply mean that you made it one step further than you did last time? Once you take that leap and get the big interview (or pitch!), make sure your eye is on the prize. You need to be the most confident version of yourself you can be when you step foot in that door. Part of finding that version is knowing what sparks your energy.

Find your spark

Find your spark.

Each individual has something that helps light their fire. What I’m telling you is to figure out what pumps you up. It doesn’t matter what your motivation is, find it and use it. Do you need to run ten miles? Grab your running shoes. Is meditation or prayer the key to helping you find your center? Or do you need to eat an entire stack of blueberry pancakes? If so, then please invite me over. I don’t care if you have to listen to Demi Lovato Confident forty-five times before you head into the meeting, just do it. Why? Because you emit this je-ne-sais-quoi when you channel that inner spark – And people will believe that you can. And who knows, maybe you will start to believe you can as well ;).

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to success, this is just what works for me. I personally present the best version of myself when I am in a positive mindset. I find that we, as women, often doubt ourselves (even after we have received the job offer!) and am here to tell you that it is ok to be confident in yourself and proud of your accomplishments. Do what you can to find your happy place and get there. I guarantee nothing is more appealing to an interviewer than someone who exudes confidence. And, Ladies, don’t forget your shoes. The glass ceiling has been broken and we are on our way to the top! 

It’s time for you to take it. Be the boss right now! 


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