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About Me


Hi there! You can call me Britt.

I’m a wife, people maker, pasta lover, problem solver, boss mom, who lives off overpriced coffee while imperfectly trying to support women in business. I’m a total goofball and live my life one cheesy moment at a time. I love to laugh and make punny jokes, because life is too short to take yourself too seriously. What you see here is my path to bring about change. So let’s talk about how I got here and what we can do to help you on your journey…

My change story

I started down this crazy road to blogging because I saw so many women being kept quiet, pushed down, passed up, and not taken seriously in the business world. Others have boldly taken credit for our ideas. Men have talked over us because they “just need to make this quick point“. We have been ignored, taken advantage of, and harassed. I know that we are mighty. I’m here to remind you that we are capable. I want women and people everywhere to feel like they can thrive in a world that, at times, can seem both lonely and foreign to us. This blog is meant to be a one-stop-shop to discuss solutions to common issues people everywhere are having in business.

Anger fuels change

Do not let me give you the impression that I have always been optimistic about change in this world we call business. There is a long period in my career where I felt lost. I used to sit in management meetings thinking I didn’t belong. There was nobody in the room that looked like me. I would glance around the conference room and wonder why every man had their hair parted in the same direction. They tucked the same checkered button-down shirt into their perfectly-pressed jeans (different colors, of course). They even crossed their legs in the same manner.

The nature of my frustrations changed the moment the strip turned pink on the pregnancy test. That precious baby changed my life. It should have been the happiest time, yet my pregnancy announcement and maternity leave brought about monumental anxiety. While snuggling this adorable baby, I spent far too long agonizing over the comments of men who asked when I planned to quit my job to become a stay-at-home mom. I had people tell me I wouldn’t want to take on a big role once the baby was here. As a result, I felt like I had to be on during my maternity leave for fear my position would be snatched out from under me.

Things didn’t get easier when I returned from my maternity leave. I actually had a male colleague joke about my “12-week vacation”. (Yes, you read that correctly, someone called my maternity leave a vacation). At the time, it brought about an anger in me that turned into a roaring fire. With every fibre of my being, I needed to help other women. I wouldn’t allow anyone else to feel like I did.


My goal was to use these negative experiences as fuel to empower women to stay in the workforce. Women need to start believing that they can have a rewarding career and raise a family. I strive for equality for people of all genders, races, religions, and sexual preferences (both in the home and at work). It took years for me to change my perspective, to truly believe that we need to embrace the differences that women bring to the table. We are just as competent, capable and deserving of higher positions as our male colleagues.

We need to embrace the differences that women bring to the table. We are just as competent, capable and deserving of higher positions as our male colleagues.

Brittany Cycholl

Overcoming the mental hurdle

The feelings of inadequacy are not easily squandered. Find me a woman in business that has never questioned how she got into her position. In my previous organization I worked very hard to become the highest female in our North American entity. One would think change comes easy when you are that close to the top. I can assure you it is not. There is always a mental hurdle you have to overcome, especially as a female working in a male-dominated environment.

It took years of me working my ass off, making sure I was the best version of myself I could be only to find out that my male counterparts were not only getting promoted before me, they were earning significantly more money than I was.

My sales numbers beat theirs. My team was larger and happier. Overall I felt like I was doing more with less. It was exhausting. Then I realized that I needed to stop trying to prove to everyone (including myself!) that I was just as capable. What I needed was a company that valued me and my abilities and didn’t require me to constantly fight for every step.

I have had many great experiences in my career. Whether good or bad, I have been able to reflect on and learn from each of them. Despite my many accomplishments, I still struggle to write the words, “I am a boss and I am here to make change“. But the words hold true: My name is Brittany Cycholl and I am a wife, a mother, and a boss, and I am going to bring about change.

Let’s change together

Change doesn’t happen overnight and it certainly doesn’t happen alone. Part of that change I hope to see in business is people addressing issues head-on. I’m here to listen to your big scary monsters and talk through sustainable solutions with you. I hope this will bring you the confidence you need to be a rockstar in whatever field you choose.

I looovvvvveeeeee to see women who are confident enough in themselves that they are able to uplift others. Why? Because one woman’s success doesn’t and shouldn’t squash another’s. So let’s talk more about what you are going through in the workplace and see if we can solution together. My goal is to get every person comfortable with addressing their workplace monsters so they can enjoy the work they do while finding the confidence to empower others. Follow me on Instagram @pregnanttopromoted or read my blog. Together I know we can bring about change.

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